Saturday, December 17, 2011

Does Money Bring Happiness?

 I've never been one to think that money brings happiness, but at times I find myself chasing the money tail. Round and Round she goes where she stops nobody knows. For the life of me I can't figure out why I keep chasing it.  Is it the money Im chasing or is it something else.
 Let's face it they sell that dream really really well, If you have x loads of money you can have this ____. But will this really make you happy? Or will we just get on the hamster wheel again so we can get this ____. 

 Happiness where is it and how the heck do I find it? They tell me Im depressed and well getting out of bed can be really be hard at times. Why is that is it because Im really depressed? Don't worry Marty you know they have a pill for that makes you not feel a thing solves everything right. 

 I have a theory on why I get depressed, my depression stems from not doing the things I really love.
and when I dont do those things I love its fucking depressing man! See I dont want to support a society that well just doesn't match up to the same values and morals as mine.

 Sure I could probably go get a job flipping burgers but in the end I wont be happy. Sure I'll have a paycheck but then Ill feel tied down to a job that I just hate. And in the end Ill quit because the paycheck really didnt bring me what I seek.

  I see alot wrong with selling out your values just to get by. I see alot wrong with making others rich, while I on the other hand just get by. I see alot wrong with that system, and no not everyone can live like me. See I understand people have kids to feed, I on the other hand have noone but me.

  I have decided that I will do and be what makes me happy. I will go after MY dreams and passions because that is what will set me free. If you don't like that it is fine you don't have to, I wasn't put here on this earth to make you happy anyways. And besides if you really have that many issues with me then maybe you should just go meditate and take it up with the divine. See the problem is not that others may have issues with me. The real problem is when I have issues with me when all I want is to be happy and free.

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